Chocolate mousse cake🍽

Hi everyone!!!

Soo smooth and delicious chocolate🍫 mousse cake.Easy to make!!!!😋


milk – 1 litre

Heavy cream – 100 ml

Cocoa powder – 50 gram

Sugar – 150 gram

Corn starch – 50 gram

Dark chocolate – 300 gram


  1. Add 1 litre milk, 100 ml Heavy cream, 50 gram Cocoa powder,150 gram Sugar, and 50 gram Corn starch in a glass bowl.
  2. Mix it well and strain it through a sieve
  3. Heat it with hot water and add 300 gram of dark chocolate.mix it well.
  4. Pour it in a cake mold and let it cool in a refrigerator for 4 hours.
  5. Wow yummy chocolate mousse cake is ready to taste😋🍽
  • Happy Cooking With Liba👩🏻‍🍳
  • Published by libas_lifestyle

    I'm a homemaker and a mom of a 4-year-old angel. fashion is my passion 💅💍 and I love ❤️changing my hair👩🏻‍💼 my makeup 💄and it makes me smile🥰 I love Cooking and likes to do a lot of experiment in the kitchen😋

    60 thoughts on “Chocolate mousse cake🍽

    1. Ooooo this looks so good! I wanted to do some kind of baking this year (I’m awful at it) but you’ve made this sound more straightforward & it sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing, will have to try this one, though maybe with milk choc 😀
      Caz xx

      Liked by 3 people

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